In AdWords Campaign Settings is the option to set frequency capping. You can set an impression cap per user per day, week or month, and on the campaign, ad group or ad level. This is particularly useful under display remarketing campaigns because it allows you to limit the amount of impressions a visitor sees in […]
Creating Content For SEO Thats Not A Blog
Once you start optimizing your existing ecommerce pages for SEO you realize how important it is to create more content. Considering you should only be focusing on a handful of keywords per page, you quickly run out of pages when looking at the thousands of keywords available that you could rank for – so you […]
Video Conversion Funnel
There are a lot of reports about the positive effects online video has in increasing engagement and conversion rates. I think it’s still one of the most under-utilized tactics for ecommerce sites. There are different kinds of videos that can be used for different purposes, just like different kinds of content for each stage of the […]
The Balance Between Visits And Conversion Rate
See if this scenario sounds familiar: This report shows visits are up year over year. Yea! Well done everyone, the markting budget is paying off! Let’s keep the momentum going and see if we can continue to drive even more visits to the site! This report shows conversion rate is down year over year. Boo! […]
Online Display Remarketing Planner
There are quite a few metrics to consider when planning a display remarketing campaign. In the Display Remarketing Planner (download below) I put together all of the relevant metrics that need to be considered when setting up and planning a successful remarketing campaign. The bold boxes in the top row are the ones you need […]
Paying For Marketing
#1 is when you talk directly to people who want to hear you. #2 is taking #1 to scale by paying someone to carry your message for you, like advertising. Expensive, not always effective, but easy to scale. #3 is when magazines and news outlets pick up your story because they think it matters. This […]
Using AdWords Filters For Optimizing Keywords
The filter function in AdWords is pretty powerful. Definitely should be one of the first steps in discovering opportunities and diagnosing problems. Here are a few of my favorites: This one helps identify low hanging fruit. These keywords have great quality score, low CPA but just need a little increase in bid to get to […]
Don’t Write Checks With Your Ads That Your Site Can’t Cash
Landing pages are underestimated in the role they play in paid search. I think the reason is because it’s a lot easier to tweak adtext, bids and keywords than the landing page. For the query “front load stacked washer and dryer†this is the ad and landing page Sears gives me: Can you imagine walking […]
Who Is Safe From Online Price Transparency?
In a world of ultimate price transparency, where the majority of shoppers go online to research products before buying them online or off, how can a retailer online succeed? You have to compete with a myriad of competing companies online, most importantly Amazon which has a broader product assortment (thanks to their marketplace), less stock […]
Remarketing Timeline Strategy
Deciding the time frame that you use to retarget both prospects and purchasers from your website make a big difference. Visitors that leave the site without buying have the most potential for coming back and purchasing in the first 14 days (of course the tricky part is figuring our whether they would have come back […]