There are two types of job seekers: active and passive. An active job seeker is someone who is unemployed and is actively searching for a job, posting their resume on internet job boards, responding to available positions on Craigslist and networking with friends to find a job. A passive job seeker is currently employed. They […]
Data Driven New Years Resolutions
It’s that time of year again for new years resolutions. The trick to accomplishing your resolutions is this: If You Measure it, it will improve. Having an easy to use system for recording progress on your goals is essential. Here is a post on some iPhone apps for keeping goals. And here is another post […]
Zach’s Best/Worst Of 2009
Best Purchase: M-Audio Firewire Solo Runner up: Two tennis rackets and 20 tennis balls at the thrift store for $12 Best Moment: Hearing Jane laugh for the first time Biggest Achievement: Getting hired at Crocs Scariest Moment: Getting caught in a thunder storm while jogging, thought I was going to get struck by lightning. Most […]
How To SEO A Contact Us Page
A lot of businesses don’t take advantage of their Contact Us page. Most Search Engine Optimization comes down to keywords in the meta title and content on the page and the typical business’s Contact Us page meta title says “Contact,” and the only content on the page is an email form, phone number and physical […]
Too Many Lists On The Internet
These are a few examples of posts including lists that took me about 5 minuets to find: “6 SEO Website Redesigns Your Developer May Not Know,” “7 Tools to Optimize the Speed of Your Website,” “Top 100 Internet Marketing Posts of 2009,” “12 Best Free Online Resources for Learning SEO,” “55 Google Website Optimizer Tips […]
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Short Attention Span Writing
Does anyone else ever feel like me when reading content online that too many writers take too long to get to the point? I’m annoyed by long introductions in blog posts. People feel like they need to give me a synopsis of the history of what they are about to write and tell me why […]
Metrics Determine Methods
Choose wisely the metrics that you use to define success. Pick a bad metric to measure and you’ll adopt poor methods. For example, if high average time on site or page views/visitor is the metric you choose for gauging the success of your site you may end up with a bunch of visitors who are […]
Why Doesen’t Hulu Show Ratings?
There are reports on how many videos Hulu streams but how come they don’t tell us how many views individual shows are getting? Usually TV shows are quick to point out which ones are getting the highest ratings on TVs even though the way ratings are derived is anything but exact: Nielsen is making an […]
The SEO is Overrated Debate
I read this article thats ruffled some feathers lately about how SEO is not a legitimate form of marketing and I think what the article says is mostly right. Yet there are a few things about SEO in my opinion that make it worthwhile. In the article it says, Look under the hood of any […]